File name conventions of Webex Control Hub Reports

Customer want the file name conventions to revert to the previous format

Since 2023/2 the reports' file names had been changed to:



Meetings Attendees_[Random]_siteurl_[YYYY-MM-DD].csv

*YYYY-MM-DD generated time


[Random]_ Webex Meetings_Attendees_site url_[YYYY-MM-DD_yyyy-mm-dd].csv

*YYYY-MM-DD start time

*yyyy-mm-dd end time


  • Guest
  • Feb 14 2023
  • Need more info
  • Varun Kulkarni commented
    February 14, 2023 16:51

    We changed the file format name because we found some inconsistencies in the original format - leading to confusion on report generation VS report download.
    The new naming now better aligns with the reporting framework to provide as much accuracy as possible.

    Please also ask the customer how many files they download at any given time to better understand why the time range is helpful and what do they do with it?