Certificate management in Control HUB

We desperately need cisco to build a feature in Webex for endpoint, so Roomkit/Desk can be used securely in a 802.1x network. We want to generate certificates to be used in both wifi and lan to authenticate against ISE. These certificate should be possible to push to the device via the api.

As of today there is no features like this, so even if Cisco makes the network switches and ISE, there is no way to manage device certificates from the Control HUB like we could in the old call manager with capf.

a fallback to mab is not a soultion. it is possible to do some of this manually, but certificate should have a short lifespan and renewing 500 > 1000 devices should not be a manual task.

  • Guest
  • Feb 24 2023
  • Guest commented
    18 Apr 10:08

    what can we do to bring more attention to this?

  • Guest commented
    13 Feb 13:19

    I have the exact same issue. A solution to this will be greatly appreciated.