WebEx Meetings - As a User, I want to be notified when I'm an absent host by receiving the notifications I choose


PMR - Personal Meeting Room

  • WXCUST-I-13176 : Reem Abdul Aziz's The customer wants to receive the "Notify me option in the lobby" for his personal room into his IOS device

  • WXCUST-I-71 : Ingo Juergensmann's Notify Host in Lobby - Send XMPP Message to Host

  • WXCUST-I-354 : Guest's Popup notification in desktop "Webex Meetings" when someone enters my personal room

  • WXCUST-I-996 : Devin Ichikawa's Slack Notification for Personal Meeting Rooms

  • WXCUST-I-7833 : Guest's Room Alerts via Slack

  • WXCUST-I-6007 : Matthew Wynd's Push notification via Teams when someone enters your personal meeting room waiting room

  • WXCUST-I-5965 : Guest's Option to play sound when an attendee joins waiting room

  • WXCUST-I-14176 : My own WebEx Calling Call Forking and Diversion

In summary, other contributors have requested additional/alternative methods of being notified when, as host, someone has entered your PMR when you are not there yourself.


So far, only those requests to supplement notifications in-app have been taken-up.

Buried Change Notice

Cisco's 8th November WebEx Suite (formerly known as Video mesh-ready meeting platform) notice Webex App | About the Webex Suite meeting platform under the section titled: "Invite people and notify host" says:

"We removed the Notify host button because we automatically notify the host if you're waiting in the lobby. You don't need to notify the host, and the host doesn't need to check their email."

Change Impact

If you are hosting a meeting, other-than in-app, then no chance of receiving a notification by email is possible; because it has been removed.

For example. If a guest enters your PMR by SIP while you are not in your own room, there's no-longer even the option of receiving an email. You may not be in your room in-app for a variety of reasons including the need to interact with different parties each of whom has their own preference of meeting platform.


It doesn't have to be either/or: Notification in-app (or by social media) is convenient, but email-the-host remains a fall-back option for notifying the host that has high reachability/deliverability success. In removing even the option to email-the-host, Cisco has passed-up an opportunity to generalise absent-host notifications; for example, in the way suggested below.

As a User, I want to be notified when I'm an absent host by receiving the notifications I choose


WebEx Suite Meetings - Personal Meeting Room

Absent-Host Notifications

It's now even easier to receive just the notifications you want when you're "not at your desk" and someone enters your personal meeting room. When the first person enters your personal meeting room, that begins a three-stage attempt to let you know they're there and waiting for you...

The first stage attempt is made immediately someone enters your room. (That first stage can include several contact methods). If you don't show-up after a time you choose, then the second stage attempt kick's in and is repeated. (The second stage method(s) are made in addition to the first stage ones). The third and final stage, again after a time you choose, either just allows visitor(s) to wait indefinitely or explains that it hasn't been possible to have you join and disconnects the visitor(s).

You can customise Absent-Host Notifications for each of the three stages in the Control Hub:

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
  • Guest
  • Nov 12 2023