Webex Zones - Sharing Only a Select Portion of The Screen

At present, the screen sharing feature on Webex allows the sharing of individual monitor screens or application windows. However, this can pose challenges for ultrawide monitor users. When multiple windows are open on one application, all these windows are shared during screen sharing. Additionally, when a screen is shared from an ultrawide monitor, non-ultrawide users often encounter difficulties in viewing the shared content. They see a letterbox-style screen and need to constantly zoom in, follow the presenter around, and adjust their view, which can be distracting and inefficient.

To address these challenges, I propose the introduction of a feature called 'Webex Zones'. This feature would allow a presenter to share only a specific portion of their screen with remote participants. The presenter could freely move content in and out of this 'zone', making it easier to manage what content is shared and what remains private. This would not only improve the experience for ultrawide users but also for those viewing from standard screens, as it would eliminate the need to constantly adjust their view.

I truly believe that the implementation of 'Webex Zones' could bring about a substantial improvement in the user experience. I hope my suggestion is taken into consideration.

  • Guest
  • Nov 27 2023
  • Already exists
  • Admin
    Chenggang Tang commented
    November 28, 2023 01:19

    When trying to share, on the Share dialog, there is an "Portion of screen" option in the "Advanced" tab.

    this is exactly the same feature you'd like to have.