Global Dial Plan Replication Enhancement requests for CUCM to advertise SIP route patterns and to replciate to Expressway/CMS

Global Dial Plan Replication Enhancement requests

Enable Global Dial Plan Replication (GDPR) and Intercluster Lookup Service (ILS) to advertise SIP Route Patterns as it advertises Route Patterns, Directory URIs. Currently, you have to manually add SIP Route Pattern for every cluster, and they are not advertised to other clusters.

Add the Global Dial Plan Replication to Cisco Expressway to/from CUCM and other Expressways. The Find-Me Feature in Expressway, and GDPR are similar, but disparate features. GDPR seems to work better, and if you could share routes between Expressway and CUCM, that would be a huge time saver.

Also, adding GDPR to Cisco Meeting Server to advertise routes between CUCM, Expressway, and CMS, could be a time saver and have all your call routing setup in one place instead of multiple places.

A use case for this is for a couple of very large on-prem customers (US Govt/DoD) with multiple CUCM clusters, SME, expressway, and Cisco Meeting Servers. They are in air-gap networks, that is no internet access between the internet and the production network

  • Guest
  • Nov 6 2020
  • Will not implement