Resource Meeting Room Auto Release - In Room Booking

It would be great if the you have In Room Booking enabled on the Webex endpoint and that if you finish the meeting early, you can end the booking early for that room to let someone else use it.

Also, it would be great if there is a prompt on the screen hold the room, if this button doesn’t get pressed within 5-10mins and if booking has not been checked into, it will be cancelled with an Automatic Release.

I’ve noticed in the company that I work for, that meeting rooms are booked with no one in them since the organiser doesn’t know if attendees are in the office or working from home.

Please add this feature as least other competitor product seem to be able to do so :(

We are looking at purchasing Webex Room Navigators and this feature would be perfect for it!!

  • Raulan Grajewski
  • Apr 7 2021