Phone number saved to Webex Profile is not recognized due to punctuation.

Punctuation causing issue when a host wants to only dial into their traditional Webex meeting (audio only) and they dial from a number listed in their Webex Profile saved phone numbers WITH punctuation (XXX) XXX-XXXX. They receive prompt to enter a saved phone number and then get “That number is NOT VALID”. When they update profile to remove all punctuation and save, they can enter the number and their the Host PIN to start the call. Update needs to either strip the punctuation or prompt the user to remove it before saving.

  • Guest
  • Dec 28 2021
  • Already exists
  • Guest commented
    January 12, 2022 17:27

    Clarified scenario in updated the description and will create a case with TAC

  • Cloud Hu commented
    January 12, 2022 09:53

    From product point of view, any special characters that we allow input in the profile phone number should be automatically removed at the time of dial. This shows everything alllowed in profile phone number: "Phone numbers can contain only 0-9, -, /, ., ( , ), and space characters."

    If under any case the above is not true, please let the customer submit a TAC support ticket for engineering fix.