Webex for BroadWorks with Standard and Premium - Disable Messaging for Compliance

We have several customers looking to standardize on Webex for BroadWorks Basic Softphone that provides no messaging. However, these same customers also want to use the Wx4B Standard and Premium for meetings but without messaging. Currently, today this is not available.

I am suggesting the creation of a toggle switch in Control Hub to disable messaging for the Webex Standard and Webex Premium licenses.

With UC-One had this capability that allowed service providers to disable messaging and other services by assignment of a custom tag. The service providers need this same flexibility to allow us to meet our customer requirements.

Please we really need this ability to support our customers' needs.

Note: modifed my AHA because all Wx4B users are controlled in Control Hub versus BroadWorks.

  • Guest
  • Apr 6 2022