Notification on just first message versus all messages

I believe Jabber had this feature, where you could be notified on a new chat, and then you didnt get notified as the chat continued. I am not sure if that same concept would be possible for Webex -- though my users are asking to have less dings and ringing, but also dont want to miss things. A tough balance and more options would help.

  • Guest
  • Oct 28 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Admin
    Sara Santos commented
    November 09, 2022 03:24

    Thank you for your feedback. We will be enhancing our message notification control and I believe what we have planned will solve your use case. We will have the option to receive notifications when you are added to a space. A user can then select to not be notified for space messages (or choose what types of messages they want to be notified, like @mentions).